Lowcountry Housing and Economic Development Foundation
"Homes; Where jobs go to spend the night"

Fall, 2010 - Vol 1, Issue 1
In This Issue
Our Mission
Financial Literacy
Emergency Shelter Grant
Housing Rehabilitation
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For more information about our Foundation, please click below:


LHEDF Board Members
Evelyn DeLaine Hart, Chairperson
Zephyr Chmura
Rosetta Givens-Mitchell

Jermaine Husser

Ada Kelly

Robert Marion Lee

Rodly Millet

William Dudley Gregorie

Georgia Kelly

Dear Julie Britt, 

Welcome to our first edition of "The Bridge," the official newsletter of the Lowcountry Housing and Economic Development Foundation. 

Founded in 1994, the 'Foundation' has the daunting mission of helping the people of the lowcountry to improve their lot in life through economic development, home ownership, owner occupied home rehabilitation, job preparation and any other means available to us.  And, in these tough economic times we try and assist our families by any means available; federal and state grants, local programs, educational assists or entrepreneurial efforts.

We welcome you to become a regular reader of the bridge.  We promise to make every effort to keep you up to date on our activities and those of others whose programs seek the same goals as ours. 

If you have an interest in helping us, feel free to contact me and volunteer. 


Montez C. Martin, Jr.

President, LHEDF

Our Mission

The Lowcountry Housing and Economic Development Foundation was founded in 1997 as the Charleston County Housing Foundation under the leadership of a 9 member board of directors. The organization is a SC Dept. of Commerce certified Community Development Corporation (CDC), Community Designated Housing Organization (CHDO), and 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization. It is the mission of the Foundation to "provide housing and economic development opportunities for the low to moderate-income families of Coastal South Carolina."


Financial Literacy / Homeownership

ClassLHEDF, Inc. Financial Literacy Program consist of ten sessions that address the following:  Money Management, Understanding Your Credit Score, Building a Better Credit Record, Guide to Mortgage Resources, Homebuyer Checklist, Choosing a Realtor, and Property Selection. The aim of these sessions are to (1) Enable consumers to make better-informed choices in the financial marketplace (2) Provide working knowledge of financial products and financial planning (3) Enable individuals to correct and learn from previous financial mistakes and (4) prepare individuals for what is often the largest single investment in a lifetime. 


Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) 

Over the last three years  LHEDF, Inc., through a number of grants, has been able to assist 55 families with rent/mortgage and/or utilities assistance. The demand for this assistance continues to far exceed the available resources.  However, the Foundation has recently received $6,000 from Charleston County to continue this much needed service.


Housing Rehabilitation 
roof replacement
This is the kind of work LHEDF is doing. This is a photo of a roof replacement in Hollywood, SC
LHEDF, Inc. was awarded $234,000 to assist in the preservation of the existing housing stock in rural  communities by eliminating existing or potential code violations and safety.  These funds are being used to repair/ replace windows, roofs, HVACs, security lights and improperly functioning indoor facilities. 
...before picture of the damaged sheathing sheathing
...before picture of the damaged sheathing